Initially depicted as a female deity in Sumerian times, when it was called Lamma, it was later depicted from Assyrian times as a hybrid of a human, bird, and either a bull or lion—specifically having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings, under the name Lamassu. In some writings, it is portrayed to represent a female deity. The Lion of Babylon is a historic theme in the region. The statue is considered among the most important symbols of Babylon in particular and Mesopotamian art in general. The statue is considered a national symbol of Iraq, it has been used by several Iraqi institutions such as the Iraqi Football Association. In Assyro-Babylonian ecclesiastical art, the great lion-headed colossi serving as guardians to the temples and palaces seem to symbolise Nergal, just as the bull-headed colossi probably typify Ninurta. The precisely delineated reliefs concern royal affairs, chiefly hunting and war making. Among the best known of Assyrian reliefs are the lion-hunt alabaster carvings showing Assurnasirpal II (9th cent. BC) and Assurbanipal (7th cent. Babylonia was not to be reborn until Nebuchadnezzar divided the Assyrian lands with the Medes in 612 B.C.


The Bayeux papestry is a fabrication because the Battle of Hastings never happened. King Harold of England was killed by Viking King Harald of Norway at the Battle of Stamford Bridge on September 25, 1066.

The distance from Stanford Bridge to Hastings is 270 miles (432 km). If King Harold survived that battle there was no time for him to march his army to Hastings. That is why the conspiracy was very strong in 1066.

Before 2430 BC, all mankind spoke one language and that was Hebrew. Babel means CONFUSION because it was the building of the Tower of Babel by the tyrant Nimrod, and his wicked wife Queen Semiramis, that caused JEHOVAH to confound their speech so that they couldn't understand each other (Genesis 11:7).

In 1520, Saint Martin Luther published his magnum opus entitled On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. His main theme was that the Papacy was Mystery Babylon which had taken the Church captive. St. Martin saw himself as a last days Nehemiah raised up to rebuild the spiritual Temple after the previous 1,000 years desolation.

That book caused consternation at the Vatican, and Saint Martin was ordered to disavow it . . . or face a fiery death . . . like the 3 Hebrew teenagers in King Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace (Daniel 3:11).

Even though he wrote a brilliant rebuttal to Sir Thomas More'sThe Defence of the Seven Sacraments, the Saint did not know that 450 years previously, Satan had established another Babylon . . . not on the Tiber . . . but on the THAMES!

The Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux
in Bayaux, Normandy.

The Bayeux Tapestry is on display at the Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux in Normandy.

The entire tapestry is a travesty or fabrication because the 'Battle of Hastings' never happened!

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is depicted as
a ferocious lion
with the wings of an eagle!!

It is a miracle that the tapestry has survived at all. Millions of Britons have viewed and admired the tapestry, but failed to comprehend its hidden meaning. Edith of Wessex, 'virgin' wife of King Edward, and sister of the slain King Harold, was the creator of the tapestry.

The lioness was the real power behind the throne; she was fluent in 4 languages, and she was thoroughly familiar with the Latin Vulgate Version.

The tapestry depicts a fictitious battle that occurred between King Harold of England and the invader William of Normandy.

Harold Godwinson was the son-in-law of King Edward.

In January 1066, the dying King Edward designated him as his successor, and his nobles recognized him as their lawful king.

Duke William of Normandy had absolutely no claim to the English throne.

Furthermore, his nickname was 'William the Bastard.'

Duke William is shown seated with
a huge sword in his hand.

William certainly lived up to his nickname. The law of primogeniture was unknown in the country at that time. It was adopted as part of the Babylonian Captivity.

Pope Alexander II (1015–1073).
Reigned from 1061 to 1073.

William the Conqueror landed unopposed at Hastings in October 1066, carrying the banner of Pope Alexander II.

Pope Alexander II was named Pope Alexander I of Alexandria, Egypt.

After the first 1000 years of Christian history had expired, Satan moved westward and concentrated all his diabolical activity on the western isles.

The Roman Catholic patron 'saint' of England is actually Arian Pope George of Alexandria.

Pope George is now known as George of 'Cappadocia.'

The legend of 'Saint' George and the Dragon is also based on the Alexandrian Pope George.

Cherry tree chopper George Washington is named after the English 'Saint George!'

'Saint' George of England is actually Arian Pope George of Alexandria.

In the Book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar is depicted as a winged LION, but the Bayeux Tapestry portrays him as a winged LIONESS. Here is a description of Daniel's dream as recorded in the Douay-Rheims Version:

I saw in my vision by night, and behold the four winds of the heavens strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts, different one from another, came up out of the sea. The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her (Daniel 7: 2-4, Douay-Rheims Version).

That was because the tapestry was the work of the widow of King Edward and the sister of King Harold. Edith was the precursor of Sultana Elizabeth I, and she was ambitious to rule Britannia in her own right.

'Virgin Queen' Edith of Wessex was the wife of King Edward and the real brains behind 'Operation Babylonian Captivity.'

The lioness was also the sister of King Harold.

The lioness flourished after the Captivity and she was the creator of the Bayeau Tapestry.

The Babylonian lioness proudly preening
her wing after
ruining her country!

Edith knew how to embroider the Truth, as her 3 brothers were killed by Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel Chapter 2 and Daniel's dream in Chapter 7 are parallel or synonymous.

Nebuchadnezzar saw his empire as a golden kingdom, while JEHOVAH saw it as a wild beast.

The other wild beasts were described as a bear, and a leopard with 2 wings, which symbolized Alexander the Great.

The 4th ferocious wild beast was nondescript, and it symbolized the Roman Empire.

The timeline of the 4 world empires
from Daniel Chapter 2.

After the Babylonian Captivity, powerful women like Eleanor of Aquitaine ruled from behind the scenes, but no female ruled alone until Sultana Elizabeth I in 1559:

So he (angel) carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Apocalypse 17:3-5, King James Version).

Around the time of King Alfred there was a female Pope in Roma named Joan, but that was the first time that the prophecy of a woman riding the beast was fulfilled on the Thames.

King Nebuchadnezzar is depicted as a 'great tree' in the middle of the earth

The people who inhabited Britannia before the Captivity were called Anglo-Saxons. Alfred the Great is the best known Anglo-Saxon king. He was a devout Christian and a Bible translator, who encouraged the people to use the English language instead of Latin.

King Alfred spent a great amount of time fighting the Viking invaders . . . who later morphed into Normans.

The tapestry depicts Nebuchadnezzar
as a great tree.

Thanks to King Alfred the Great, the Anglo-Saxons had the Bible in English, and it definitely was not the Latin Vulgate Version.

In Scripture, Nebuchadnezzar is depicted as a 'great tree' that was visible to the ends of the earth. Back then the earth was flat.

At the height of his pomp and pride, the tree was cut down, and Nebuchadnezzar was turned into a beast.

Cutting down the tree symbolized the humbling of Nebuchadnezzar.

At the height of his pomp and power, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which only the Prophet Daniel was able to interpret:

Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great. The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth: the leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was food for all: the beasts of the field had shade under it, and the birds of the heaven dwelt in the branches thereof, and all flesh was fed from it (Daniel 4:10-12, King James Version).

Nebuchadnezzar dreamed that an angel came down from heaven and cut down the great tree:

I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven; he cried aloud, and said thus, cut down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches: nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth: let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times (7 years) pass over him (Daniel 4:13-16).

Nebuchadnezzar refused to repent of his evil ways so the dream was fulfilled exactly as Daniel predicted:

That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar; he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws. And at the end of the time, I Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever (Daniel 4: 33-34).

That history concerning the proud and haughty Nebuchadnezzar did have a happy ending, but not the Babylonian Captivity of Britannia.

The tapestry compared King Harold to the blinded King Zedekiah

By the time of the rise of the Babylonian Empire, the Israelites had turned back from following JEHOVAH. They worshipped idols, and even offered their sons and their daughters as sacrifices to Moloch.

The pagan king Nebuchadnazzar was raised up to punish them for their evil ways.

Zedekiah was a puppet ruler of Judea installed by Nebuchadnezzar after he destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 518 BC.

After ruling for 11 years, Zedekiah rebelled, and Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem again.

The king escaped from the city with his sons, but he was captured, blinded, and taken as a prisoner to Babylon.

The blinding of King Zedekiah by
King Nebuchadnezzar.

The king and his sons escaped from Jerusalem by night by climbing down a rope:

But the army of the Chaldeans pursued the king, and they overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho. All his army was scattered from him. So they took the king and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, and he pronounced judgment on him. Then the king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes. And he killed all the princes of Judah in Riblah. He also put out the eyes of Zedekiah; and the king of Babylon bound him in bronze fetters, took him to Babylon, and put him in prison till the day of his death (Jeremiah 52: 8-11).

The Philistines also blinded Samson after he was ensnared by Delilah. According to the Holy Bible, Zedekiah was a wicked, king who did much evil in the sight of JEHOVAH (II kings 24:19-20, Jeremiah 52:2-3).

Pope Alexander II and Duke William considered King Harold a wicked king because he was not a Roman Catholic and he did not use the Latin Vulgate Version. The tapestry really portrays the Battle of Stamford Bridge where the majority of the Ango-Saxon nobles were slain.

The so-called 'Battle of Hastings' as
depicted on the tapestry.

According to the tapestry, King Harold and his 2 brothers were killed at the 'Battle of Hastings.'

That tapestry shows 2 King Harolds. One receiving and arrow in his eye and the other receiving a sword slash on the thigh.

Notice the letter O just above his eye.

King Harold pulling an arrow out of his eye and
then receiving a sword slash on his thigh.

The tapestry shows the English fleeing before the soldiers of Duke William. That did not happen at the Battle of Stamford Bridge as the Anglo-Saxons fought to the last man.

This scene shows the English fleeing before
the soldiers of Duke William.

Except where it depicts scenes from the Bible, the entire travesty is a travesty.

Duke William was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day1066.

That is a date that will live in infamy!

That is when he earned the sobriquet 'William the Conqueror.' The surviving sons of King Harold escaped to Leinster after the Norman Conquest. There they were hosted by the high king of Ireland named Diarmait. The king gave them men and ships to regain the throne, but the Normans were just too powerful, and the great Alfredian dynasty came to a very sad end.

The Normans were absolutely ruthless in governing their conquered kingdom. Anyone opposing them was killed or blinded.

Blinding was synonymous with Norman law enforcement

The Babylonian Captivity of Britannia was a grim episode in that country's history. A virtual reign of terror ensued with thousands killed or blinded. Blinding was the penalty for such a minor offence as poaching. Here is a quote from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:

He made great protection for the game
And imposed laws for the same
That those who slew hart or hind
Should be made BLIND.

Lion Of Babylon

Thousands were blinded physically for opposing the new Norman regime, but the spiritual blindness imposed by the Babylonian Captivity was far, far worse:

We look for light, but there is darkness! For brightness, but we walk in blackness! We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes; we stumble at noonday as at twilight; we are as dead men in desolate places (Isaiah 59:10).

That was an apt description of England following the dreadful Babylonian Captivity.

The Babylonian Book of Sports was introduced to undermine the Christian Sabbath

Satan hates the Christian Sabbath because it reminds him of the Resurrection of Christ. He always does his utmost to destroy the Christian holy day, and his most zealous helpers are the Muslims, who consign the Sabbath to oblivion when they conquer a country. The cunning and crafty King James I was the first to introduce the Book of Sports in 1618. His successor, Charles I, added severe penalties for non-compliance.

King Charles I (1600
King from 1625 to 1649.

The king's Book of Sports listed all allowable sports on the Sabbath. Horse racing was excluded because the king felt that HORSES needed a day of rest!!

After the Christian Sabbath morning services in the Church of England, the church bells at Elstow Abbey would peal loudly calling the 'worshippers' to sports and merrymaking.

Any minister not reading the Book of Sports from the pulpit was dismissed with heavy fines. Anybody showing a reluctance to desecrate the Sabbath was immediately reported to Archbishop Laud. The Book of Sports was one of the reasons why the Pilgrim Fathers fled into the New World Wilderness!!

The king and clergy hoped that the merrymaking and frivolity would wean the common people from the Christian Sabbath.

Mechanic for Christ Saint
John Bunyan (1628

Before his conversion, Saint John Bunyan—the immortal author of The Pilgrim's Progress—was one of the most enthusiastic revelers in Vanity Fair.

One Sabbath afternoon, as 2 youths were ringing the Babylonian bells to call the people to the village green, lightning struck both of them and killed them instantly.

Their untimely deaths had a profound effect on the future author and Saint, and from that time onward he began to think seriously about wherehe would spend eternity.

Babylonian lion with wings

In 1776, in the British Connecticut colony, general George Washington was fined $5.00 for riding his horse on the Sabbath, and the judge wasn't concerned about the welfare of his horse! Don't visit the birthplace of the fake Shake-speare this year, visit Bedford—the birthplace of Saint John Bunyan—instead!

Nothing has changed in 400 years. Satan still uses sports (Titanic orchestra) to distract the multitudes from the reality of Christ's Resurrection, and a coming Day of Judgment for all mankind.

The British lion symbolizes the Babylonian Empire of Nebuchadnezzar

Lions are not indigenous to Britannia. The lion symbol was adopted after the Babylonian Captivity, and it represents the kingdom of the Chaldeans. It is beyond belief how such an overtly Biblical symbol should be adopted by a nation which honors evolutionist Charles Darwin.

The coat of arms of the U.K.

King Richard I—the Babylonian Lionheart—was the first to adopt the male lion symbol as his coat of arms.

His reign was the official beginning of the Babylonian or British Empire.

The lion symbol is ubiquitous in Babylon on the Thames.

The exciting true story of Samson is an end of the world scenario acted out in history. Mighty man Samson was on his way to Timnath when he was attacked by a lion:

Then Samson went down with his father and his mother, and came to the vineyards of Timnath. And, behold, a young lion roared against him. And the Spirit of JEHOVAH came mightily upon him, and he tore the lion apart as he would have torn apart a young goat, though he had nothing in his hand, but he told not his father or his mother what he had done (Judges 14: 5-6).

The Spirit of JEHOVAH is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity who proceeds from the Father. Shepherd boy David also killed a lion with his bare hands after Samuel anointed him with oil (symbol of the Holy Spirit).

Samson ripping apart the lion
with his bare hands.

A roaring lion—symbol of Satan—leaped upon Samson.

The Spirit of JEHOVAH came upon him mightily and he killed the lion with his bare hands.

The mighty Prophet Daniel spent an entire night in a den of lions, and he emerged unscathed in the morning.

JEHOVAH sent his angel and closed
the mouths of the lions.

It was during the 70-years Babylonian Captivity of the Jews that the Prophet Daniel saw all of his visions and dreams. To this day, not one shred of evidence has been presented to disprove any of his prophecies.

Glazed lions molded in relief on baked brick facades are relatively rare on the North American continent.One of the best of them has just been redisplayed at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in its current “Art Treasures” show celebrating the museum’s fiftieth anniversary. Noted for many years for its Chinese collection, the museum is currently building its Near Eastern department under the able guidance of Curator Winifred Needler. Since World War II the R.O.M. has been developing an appetite for field work in the Near East, whetted by its possession of such superb pieces as the glazed Babylonian lion of about 600 B.C. illustrated here, which was purchased just before the war from the State Museum in Berlin.

That a piece of wall made twenty-five hundred years ago in the Neo-Babylonian Period should still arouse our interest shows that our reactions to objects with color and form and of mysterious origin differ little from those of our predecessors of a hundred years ago, who undertook the excavation of such famous ruins as Babylon and Susa. Attracted first by the color of these same fragments as a guide to their work, Robert Koldeway, the excavator of Babylon, points this out to us in his book The Excavations of Babylon when he says:

“The discovery of these enamelled bricks formed one of the motives for choosing Babylon as a site for excavation. As early as June 1887 I came across brightly colored fragments lying on the ground on the east side of the Kasr [street]. In December 1897 I collected some of these and brought them to Berlin, where the then Director of the Royal Museums, Richard Schine, recognized their significance. The digging commenced on March 26, 1899, with a transverse cut through the east front of the Kasr. The finely colored fragments made their appearance in great numbers, soon followed by the discovery of the eastern of the two parallel walls, the pavement of the processional roadway, and the western wall, which supplied us with the necessary orientation for further excavations.”

While such comments indicate the procedure which led to the excavation of the areas in which the glazed bricks were found, they gibe no hint of the complex task of excavating them. A glance at our illustration will show that the panel is made of innumerable small pieces of glazed molded brick reassembled to form the whole. Reassembling the pieces was an arduous task undertaken after excavation.

Some years before, in 1884, similar walls were unearthed by the early French excavators of Susa, M. Dieulafoy and his wife Jane. In her book, At Susa, the Ancient Capital of the Kings of Persia (translated by Frank L. White and published in Philadelphia in 1890 by Gebbie), this formidable woman (who on the opening day of excavations seized the pick herself and worked until exhausted!) describes the tedious job to be carried out in the blazing sun and dust: “Every block, broken sometimes into seven or eight fragments, is extracted with the point of a knife, traced on a paper ruled in squares, deposited in a basket on the bottom of which is drawn a number showing its order, and takes its way to camp” where “on rainy days” it was cleaned up! The restored panels now stand in the Louvre. Multiply the number of panels by the number of fragments of each brick (perhaps twenty-five) and you can imagine the detailed recording and patience required for the work. Two fragmentary bricks of the same period found at Ur may be seen in our own Mesopotamian gallery.

The work of restoring these panels is matched only by the effort of the potter in producing them in the first place. It has been suggested that the lion figure was modeled to scale either on a single clay panel or on a temporary wall with a plaster facing. In either instance, the relief had then to be cut apart into individual bricks, so that a separate mold could be made from each. The faces for the lions on the wall along Kasr Street in Babylon were made from a single mold, as shown by the fact that they are all the same regardless of which way the lion faces. The molds themselves had to be fired. The bricks were then cast from them and burned in a kiln. The burned bricks were laid out in order and each one marked at the top with an appropriate symbol to key it into the group. The contours of the animal were next drawn on in black and the areas so defined filled with liquid glaze of appropriate color. In the case of the lion shown here, which is four feet high and six feet wide, the mane is yellow, the body white, and the background blue-green. The fangs, claws, and tuft at the end of the tail are highlighted by touches of yellow. It comes from the throne room of Nebuchadnezzar and is one of a dado of snarling lions around the base of a larger wall decorated with glazed columns, lotus buds, and palmettes. Outside, along the street and on the famous Ishtar Gate, such lions were joined by dragons and bulls, the animal attributes of the gods Marduk and Adad. The lion itself was usually associated with the goddess Ishtar.

Babylonian Lion Symbol

Wall panels of colored glazed brick were the decorative technique par excellence of the Neo-Babylonians, and the method was used for several centuries by the Persian overlords of Susa. At that site, which like Babylon did not have ready access to slabs of stone for wall reliefs, color was abundant and the repertoire was increased through the addition of archers, winged griffins, and winged human-headed lions. Somewhat earlier, the technique was used in Khorsabad at the Palace of Sargon and the Temple of Sin. Here a panel showed a procession of the king, a lion-eagle, a bull, a fig tree, a plough, and a minister of state. Other glazed panels are known from Assur. It seems quite likely that their origin found itself in the painted stone reliefs of such famous cities as Nimrud and Nineveh (represented in our Museum by the Assurnasirpal relief in the Mesopotamian gallery). Ultimately the wall leads us back to the glazed wall tiles of older Assyrian times and to the early use of glaze on the cylinder seals of the early fourth millennium.