1. Bartender Print Serial Number Range By Year
  2. Bartender Print Serial Number Range For Smith And Wesson Victory Model With 2 Barrel
  3. Bartender Print Serial Number Range Chart

BarTender enables the incrementing of serial numbers at a single printer or at printers across a network. Triggers include per-page, per-job, when changes occur in a data source or database field, or when the time or date changes. In this video, you will learn how to set up increments, triggers and multiple number of copies per serial number.

Label Printer Issues:

Printer feeds labels when sent a print command, but no ink is on the labels – or printing is very faint.

  1. Check the ribbon wind direction (“out” vs. “in”). (See printer manual).
  2. Adjust the print darkness (HERE).
Serial number check

Printed labels come out, but are not of good quality.

  1. Adjust the print darkness (HERE).
  2. Ensure your print head is clean with a non-abrasive wipe and alcohol or print-head cleaner.
  • Print label from Elliott Instead of Bartender: Go to Global Setup - System - Barcode Printing Setup, flag '7. Enable COP Shipping Label Print Function.' Answer either 'N' or 'B.' The possible values are: 'Y' = Yes, export CSV file for Bartender printing. 'N' = No, do not export CSV file. Elliott will print the label directly to the printer.
  • Connecting BarTender to an Excel File for Printing Step 1: Create an Excel file with needed data for printing. Ensure that Row 1 in your data file is the “headers”, or field names of your columns. Example: Step 2: Save your Excel file to your computer, and close it. BarTender cannot connect to or print from a data file that is being accessed.
  • The Print dialog is a tabbed dialog that contains two or more tabs that enable you to customize your printing environment. After you have made the selections that you want, click the Print button to send your print job to the selected printer. The Test Print button prints a single item and then closes the Print dialog.

Printed labels come out, but are not aligned correctly on the label.

  1. Ensure you have a proper calibration (HERE).
  2. Move printed fields on your BarTender screen to align correctly on actual label.
Bartender print serial number range chartBartender Print Serial Number Range

Printer will not go to a solid green “ready” light, or just continuously feeds labels.

  1. Ensure media is loaded correctly. (See printer manual).
  2. Factory reset the printer (HERE) (or see printer manual).

Printer will start printing, but then suddenly stop and show a red or red flashing light.

– This indicates the printer is erroring in some way. Check to be sure that:

  1. The ribbon is feeding cleanly without getting hung up due to a spindle being over-loaded.
  2. The labels have been properly calibrated, and are fed correctly through the guides.

Printer does not respond at all upon sending a print command.

  1. Ensure all cables are attached and printer is turned on.
  2. Ensure Windows is looking for the printer on the correct port (LPT, USB, or Ethernet).
  3. Restart computer, especially if following a recent printer install.
  4. Re-install printer. (HERE)

Printing comes out with vertical lines or streaks.

  1. The print head is dirty, as something is obstructing the proper printing, or:
  2. There are print head elements that are damaged or burned out, and the printer/print head should be replaced.

BarTender Software Issues:

Fields on the screen do not move smoothly – they jump around when I try to make adjustments.

  1. Turn off the option on your toolbar (along the top) that says “Snap to Ruler” (a bit to the right of the zoom magnifying glasses). This will allow more fine adjustments of your format.
  2. Due to printing limitations, barcodes cannot be adjusted perfectly smoothly for width. The size will jump up and down between possible line sizes as your resize a barcode horizontally.

I want to connect an Excel sheet or other database to my label design.

– Seagull has released a video tutorial of this BarTender® feature: HERE

– You can also download this PDF that will walk you through the process.

Bartender Print Serial Number Range By Year

Please note that the Seagull Video Tutorial is for version 10.0 and above, while the PDF is for version 9.4 and below.

Label size on screen is not correct – or I cannot specify the correct size.

  1. Open the Page Setup screen by going to File > Page Setup, and adjust your page and label size here.
  2. If unable to specify the correct size, ensure that you have installed the printer you’re using with the Seagull Print Driver (HERE).

For any further technical issues or questions you may need to refer to your full printer manual, supplied on a CD with your printer, or please Contact Our Tech Support Department at 1-800-535-6987.

The Linked Data Source property page of the Control Properties dialog allows you easily link data sources in your document to a specific control on the data entry form.

The Print Dialog Data Sources directory allows you to link the number of copies or serial numbers to a control on the data entry form. This allows you to ask the user for the number of copies they want to print each time BarTender executes the print job.

Whenever you give a name to a data source, the data source appears in the Named Data Sources directory. Once listed in this directory, you can link the named data source to a control on the data entry form.

Additionally, object values are stored in the Template Object Data Sources directory. All object values, consisting of the contents of all data sources in an object, are automatically listed as the objects are added to the template. To see the object values that are available for use, simply expand the desired object in the Template Object Data Sources directory. All data sources listed in this directory can be linked to any control on the data entry form.

You can modify the properties of a selected data source by selecting the Data Source Options button. This will open the More Data Source Options dialog.

Using the Scale Display Control

When using scale display controls, the Linked Data Source tab contains an additional pane: the Properties pane. This pane allows you to set different data sources for each of the weights obtained by BarTender.

  • Net Weight. The weight of the product, minus the weight of the packaging or container.

  • Gross Weight. The total weight of the product, including the weight of the packaging.

  • Input Tare Weight. The weight of the packaging of a product. When measuring the weight on an object, BarTender will subtract the input tare weight (specified in BarTender) from the gross weight (received from the scale). The input tare weight can be manually entered at print-time in the data entry form, read from a database, or entered as embedded data.


To Link a Data Source to a Data Entry Control

  1. Double-click on the control that you want to bind to an existing data source to open the Control Properties dialog. Alternatively, you can open the context menu for the desired control and select Properties.

  2. Select Linked Data Source from the list of available property pages.

  3. Select the desired data source from the Data Sources list.

    Each data source can only be bounded to one object. Therefore, you will be unable to select a data source that is already linked to a control on the data entry form of the open document.

  4. Click the OK button to apply the changes and close the dialog.

Bartender Print Serial Number Range For Smith And Wesson Victory Model With 2 Barrel

You can also link a data source to a data entry control using the Data Sources pane of the Toolbox.

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Bartender Print Serial Number Range Chart